How flax seeds can help you manage diabetes and control blood glucose levels

Is is a known fact that antioxidants, reduce inflammation, insulin resistance and prevent diabetes progression.

Futhermore, studies have shown, that diets rich in Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control.

Flaxseed is a well-known seed, due to its excellent source of lignin , and n-3 fatty acid.

It also contain lignan, secoisolariciresinol glucoside, an active ingredient, with antioxidant effect.

This is a reason, why flaxseed is thought to be a great source of antioxidants.

Flaxseed as a functional food, increase fiber content, antioxidants and omega-3, so is considered in treating pre-diabetes.

If you have elevated sugar levels including flaxseeds to your diet regularly, can help prevent diabetes.

How flaxseeds help diabetics.

Flaxseed contain 32 percent to 45 percent of its mass as oil, of which 52 percent to 55 percent is linolenic acid.

Flaxseed and its components, have antioxidant, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects, all of which come in handy while treating diabetes.

In fact, a study done on rodents, and published in the journal current Pharmaceutical Design, in the year 2016, showed that flaxseed can help to manage both types I and type II diabetes.

The study concluded that flaxseeds, may have great potential for reducing the incidence of type I diabetes, and delaying the development of type II diabetes in humans.

How to have flaxseeds the right way.

Naturopath and Reiki practitioner the high fiber content of flaxseeds, help in digestion, and in proper absorption of fats and sugars.

Consuming flax seed helps reduce a diabetic postprandial sugar level, by almost 28 percent.

To have flaxseeds the right way consume one tablespoon of ground flaxseed powder , every morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of warm water.

However, do not have more than 2 tablespoon per day, as it can be detrimental to your health.

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