How to use Chia Seed to boost energy

I am Talking about a different type of chia and they're actually chia seeds a friend of mine recently put me onto these and they are amazing it's actually considered a super fruit and in South America a lot of the indigenous tribes. We take chia seeds and boost our energy levels that literally cover long distance without getting tired and led me to do more research and I found a lot of great health benefits of chia seeds seeds powerful antioxidants full of nutrients very filling they're great for digestion. But most importantly it's like a crazy energy booster so I took it upon myself and actually got myself a bag of chia seeds. I got on one of the internet and what I did was I made a simple recipe with them i put in a glass jar and I filled it about you know 1/10 chia seed and the rest water and  could'nt sell refrigerator after a few hours it all expanded and it turned into this really thick gel and the cool thing about chia seeds is they're pretty tasteless so I just took a big gulp of it and literally within the hour. I was just like full of energy and I noticed that they gave me a prolonged feeling of high energy without a crash, so this is really good if you're not into caffeine or taking and type of stimulant to boost your energy levels. It'll give you long periods of sustained energy it'll keep  you nice and full and it'll pretty much keep your body and mind alerts so the next time you need a boost of energy I highly suggest you should try some chia seeds you can take them straight up like a tablespoon of them or do what i did make a gel out of them one part Chia seeds nine part water put in the fridge after an hour it's this nice tasteless gel and look at me fueled for hours on end.

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