Eating pumpkin seeds everyday is extremely healthy for you

That's right. Plants have concentrated nutrients , with some of the most beneficial ones being fourn in the seeds. Seeds are an excellent source of protein, unsaturated fats, Omega 3 fatty acids, iron, calcuim, B vitamins and beta carotene. And if you consume these seeds, be prepared to have some pretty awesome things happen to your body.

1. Reduce your Risk of heart disease
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of antioxidants, magnesium, zinc and fatty acids, that are key components to a healthy heart.
High LDL ( bad cholestrol ) and blood pressure for instance, lead to heart disease and some studies have shown that the fat in pumpkin seeds may reduce these levels. One study in fact found that pumpkin seed oil supplementation lowers diastolic blood pressure and increased HDL ( good cholestrol ) levels in postmenopausal women. Another study conducted inEgypt found that the nitric oxide inside pumpkin seeds- particularly the oil derived from pumpkin seeds helped to expand the blood vessels, helping flood flow and preventing plaque buildup.

2. Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
People with diabetes are more likely than those without to be low in magnesium. This is due to elevated blood glucose levels that increase the loss of magnesium in the urine, lowering blood levels of magnesium and because pumpin seeds are high in magnesium - 37 percent of the recommended daily value per one-ounce serving to be exact-eating them can bring your blood sugar to healthy levels in a healthy way.

3. Weight Loss
Pumpkin seeds contain fiber, and vitamins minerals to keep your digestion moving and you body healthy and full of energy. This in turn helps to maintain a healthy body weight and if necessary, healthy weight loss. Pumpkin seeds also contain phosphorus, which has been linked to weight loss in general. In fact, a study published in the journal, Nutrition and Diabetes found that obese individuals taking phosphorus supplements for 12 weeks showed a greater reduction in body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, appetite than those given a placebo.

4. Inflammation may reduce
Inside these tiny seeds there are omega 3 fatty acids that have been shown to reduce stiffness. Moreover, the zinc and phosphorus content keeps bones strong and reduces joint pain. Another study conduted in Egypt found that pumpkin seed oil reduced inflammation in rats with arthtitis without side effects. This was compared to another group of animals who received an anti-inflammatory drug, who in turn experienced negative side effects. The Conclusion was that while anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce inflammation consuming pumpkin seed oil did not produce negative side effects.

5. Your anxiety and depression will lessen

Pumpkin seeds are a fantastic source of potassium, which is great for regulating electrolyte balance and managing blood pressure. And when things are balanced inside the body, the mind follows suit, and symptoms of stress and anxiety may very likely lessen. These awesome seeds also contain the amino acid, tryptophan that create serotonin in the brain which in turn act as a mood stabilzer/boosted and help produce healthy sleeping patterns. A research study, in fact gave healthy participants higher doses of dietary tryptophan with the resulting in significantly less depression and irritability and decreased anxiety.

6. Your overall health will improve
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamin E that combat disease- causing free radicals that can attack any part of your body. These free radicals cause damage to cells, protein and DNA and are responsible for infection, tumors, cancers and even cause premature aging in the body. Eating food like pumpkin seeds that contain these all-important antioxidants will protect your body and keep you healthy and strong.

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